Source: "Until about 50 years ago, it was not uncommon for legislators to bunk under the same roof. In the ...
"Anyone watching Congress trying to negotiate the U.S. budget might wonder who could possibly have designed such a process. Thanks ...
Diagnoses of the troubles of Congress usually focus on the three P’s: people, parties, and polarization. Tim LaPira, Lee Drutman, and ...
"[T]his has become Congress's standard operating procedure for regulatory policy in recent years: Drop a daring and attractive-sounding mandate that ...
"The executive branch's growth in size and influence means more concentrated power and less democratic accountability. Each new exercise of ...
"Having a national, geographically representative legislature often feels inevitable, but in historical fact, it is an arrangement that arose in ...
"Properly understood, however, Congress is no anachronism. The very features that would-be reformers find most exasperating — its messiness, balkiness, and cacophony — are ...
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